
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Mouse

In the month of April, something happened which I wasn’t prepared for. It all happened during the first week. I was sitting at my table working when I saw a small mouse scurry across the room. I froze and hoped that it somehow would find a way out of the house. I’m not afraid of mice, I think they’re cute. I don’t like rats.  I resumed working and tried not to think about the mouse. The following evening, I saw the tiny rodent scamper near my table and I became still. I began to get scared because I didn’t want the mouse anywhere near my laptop. I know that it could not replace the mouse or go through my files or hack my email accounts but I didn't want it near my laptop. I realised that I had an uninvited occasional visitor that could bite my clothes or worse bite me! The sneaky quick movements of the mouse made me wonder why mice are always in a hurry. Do they have a tight schedule? Do they have to attend meetings one after the other? They never seem to move slowly and