
Showing posts from July, 2016


From our incessant curious questions in childhood, our rebelliousness during adolescence and our mature observations during adulthood; we are constantly trying to make sense of this world and life. We are aware of two factors that play a major role in our lives: free will and destiny. Some people believe that free will has a greater role while others believe that destiny is a more powerful factor that affects us. There are also people who believe that free will and destiny have an equal role in affecting our lives. If we seek to understand life and this world we live in, we need to understand people as well.  Nearly all of us live among people and interact with them.  This is not applicable to a person who lives in isolation without any kind of human contact.  People have an important role to play in forming our perspective towards life and the world. Based on our experiences with people, we can either have a bitter or pleasant attitude towards life.  We humans like to make o

Equal Marriage

When I was a little girl I thought I would marry a charming prince just like the girls in Grimm's Fairy Tales . Most little girls fantasise about that. When I was in high school I decided that I would not marry because I did not want marriage to interfere with my career. I have changed my mind about that. Honestly, I find marriage overwhelming because of the expectations that society has of women. Just because a major part of the world has a patriarchal society, women are not given equal importance. The women who are alright with making compromises so that they can be considered a ''good wife'', do so because of social conditioning. I believe that we should always question things instead of just believing in them blindly. Traditions and customs should not be followed without trying to find out the meaning behind them. If they make no sense then they should not be practised. I read newspaper articles and blog posts online and that's how I chanced upon a