
Showing posts from 2019


Red and brown leaves, A cool breeze. Lukewarm sunshine, Bare trees. Cups of warm coffee, Bowls of warm soup. Thin quilts, Keeping warm.


The dark clouds gather, Darkening the sky. The rumbling of thunder, The flash of lightning. The sky opens, The rain falls. The pitter patter of raindrops, The music of rain. Little children, Dancing in the rain. Sailing paper boats, On big puddles. Lovers sharing an umbrella, While walking on the street. Smiling at each other, With love in their eyes.

The Moon

Oh! That white disc of light, Shining so bright. Lighting the night sky, Pleasing to the eye. Surrounded by twinkling stars, Beaming for many hours. Waxing and waning, A very beautiful sight.


Spring is in the air, Spring is everywhere. The flowers and the leaves, Graze my long sleeves. There is a nip in the air, The trees are not bare. There are flowers swaying, In the cool breeze.


Peering through white puffy clouds,       The sun shines bright in the sky.    Warming the earth,  Lighting it. In spring the rays of the sun, Chase away the cold. Summer brings the heat, In winter people bask in sunlight. Children play, adults take a walk, Their sunkissed skin warm. Sunbeams glowing, Bringing joy to everyone.