
From our incessant curious questions in childhood, our rebelliousness during adolescence and our mature observations during adulthood; we are constantly trying to make sense of this world and life. We are aware of two factors that play a major role in our lives: free will and destiny. Some people believe that free will has a greater role while others believe that destiny is a more powerful factor that affects us. There are also people who believe that free will and destiny have an equal role in affecting our lives. If we seek to understand life and this world we live in, we need to understand people as well. Nearly all of us live among people and interact with them. This is not applicable to a person who lives in isolation without any kind of human contact. People have an important role to play in forming our perspective towards life and the world. Based on our experiences with people, we can either have a bitter or pleasant attitude towards life. 

We humans like to make order out of chaos because we like to be in control, but are we really in control? We make concepts about natural phenomena, conduct experiments and make theories about human and animal behaviour. All this helps us to make sense of things and gives us a feeling of being in control, and powerful. Putting things and people in ''boxes'' is a generalised way of perception, but there are always exceptions and outliers. If life and this world could be understood by means of conducting a quantitative research study then we would be so pleased, but we cannot ignore the fact that the subjective aspects have to be taken into consideration. Uniqueness should be encouraged not discouraged, that's what makes one different from the other. 

When we feel like we are in control sometimes something unexpected happens. Some people are unpredictable and so is life, we have to deal with it. That's what helps us to learn and grow and also realise that this universe is greater than us. we can't control everything. We can control ourselves, which is a difficult task sometimes. It's something that we have to learn to do throughout our life, at the same time allowing ourselves to be ourselves and accepting that we're human, so seeking perfection would be unrealistic. 

Life is a paradox and doesn't make sense at times, but it teaches us and makes us wise. We will continue to reincarnate till our spirit learns what it needs to. Empathy will help us understand life lessons and people, and teach us to love ourselves and others. Faith will keep us going, hope will keep us motivated. Life besides being analysed has to be accepted and just lived.


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