I'm sure most people are a lot more tech savvy than I am. Being not-that-tech-savvy is a bad thing. Everything today is dependent on technology. If you aren't technologically aware then you can get fooled. I wish I knew the intricacies of technology. Four years of Computer Science in school and a semester in college is not enough. I feel lost when my laptop acts funny. I can only get answers if I'm connected to the internet or I ask help from a friend. Clueless as I am in complicated tech matters, I can't really judge which option is the best for me. I generally go with what I need, knowing that someone will tell me later that I made a bad decision. Opinions though are subjective, if one were to seek professional help then they must prepare to part with a tidy sum for very little service. If you just let a professional touch your computer you have to shell out cash for a "consultation". Okay, so they may be tech doctors but that does not mean that the
There is land everywhere, Land is easy to look after. Land is free and Land is beautiful. The fire that destroys land is very very horrible. Land perishes because of it. Land is always beautiful in spring. Beauty at its best is what it is. This is the beauty of land, It is always free and easy to look at land. Fire may destroy it But water always saves it.
There was once a girl who was very beautiful. She was a beauty. She looked so fabulous. She ate and drank and lived a rich lifestyle. She was so torn between her love for her father and her love for her lover. She was so unhappy with herself that she ate something very bad. She ate poison and was about to die but something happened. She vomited. She was happy because she vomited. She then decided something for herself. She decided to marry her lover. She went to her lover's house and told him that she wanted to marry him. She asked his father to meet her parents. Her father would be happy with this plan that is what she assumed. She went back to her house. Later in the evening she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and she was happy. It is because her lover was there with his parents. She asked her father to meet the people at the door. He came to the door and saw her lover. She was very happy. Immediately her lover spoke to her father about marriage. She as
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