
Siblings are a very important part of our life. They are our first friend or frenemy. The first contact with socializing with someone besides our parents is our sibling. During childhood we consider them to be our first friend. The ones who are always there to play with us. They might have fought with us and bullied us but when another kid dared to do the same they defended us.

The eldest sibling tends to be authoritative and responsible because they are made to be in charge when the parents aren’t around. The middle child is usually moody and is neglected by parents. The youngest child is pampered and the center of attention.

The eldest child resents being made to act like a parent when the parents are away, they want to act like kids but can’t. They tend to take out their frustration by dominating and punishing the younger ones. The middle child is cranky and withdrawn as they do not receive much attention from the parents. The youngest child is always wanting attention and usually gets away with everything. They tend to not be taken seriously by anyone in the family because they are the youngest. They are definitely distressed because of this.

It’s better to have siblings than to be an only child. An only child is lonely and spoilt. Children who have siblings learn to share and care.  They learn to share toys and books. The youngest child has to be happy with hand-me-downs most of the time, which they don’t like.

During adolescence, siblings tend to be a great support. They are the ones who we talk to about our secrets, crushes, and problems. These are the kind of topics teens will not want to discuss with parents. Siblings help us to figure out what we want to do with our lives. Besides a friend they take on the role of confidante.

Adulthood brings with it lots of responsibilities. We have to build a career and create our individual identity. Siblings help us to deal with the stresses of life. We know that we can always count on them. Even if we dislike some things about our siblings we know that we can depend on them. They are after all our family.


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